B2B Strategy

The shifting B2B buying behaviour demands a comprehensive B2B content marketing strategy. It highlights the significance of powerful, relevant content addressing audience challenges and pain points, transcending features and functions. However, executing this effectively poses challenges.

To overcome them, we integrate brand development strategies with powerful marketing campaign execution. Find out more here.

Paul Crabtree

B2B Marketing // B2B Strategy

Your competitors may be unwittingly cutting off their noses to spite their face.

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Mark Gillam

B2B Marketing // B2B Strategy // MarTech

Mapping the martech map – 14,000+ platforms to choose from.  Unless you target a niche. 

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Campaigns // B2B Marketing // B2B Strategy

B2B marketing to a niche is harder than it looks – and under-appreciated

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Matt Scutt

B2B Branding // B2B Creative // B2B Strategy

How long is it since you refreshed your B2B logo?

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Christian Fenton

B2B Campaigns // B2B Creative // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

Does the emergence of virtual production mean the end for greenscreen in B2B videos? 

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Branding // B2B Strategy // Customer Experience // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

A sales and marketing relationship designed to supercharge your growth

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Branding // B2B Strategy // Customer Experience // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

Your sales team will tell you who your best prospects are. Well, 16% of the time

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Audiences // B2B Strategy // Professional Services

Need a B2B persona for senior HR Leaders? 

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Branding // B2B Creative // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

How to measure your B2B brand strength 

You might think your brand is powerful, but how can you be sure? Do you have a method for tracking it over time to effectively manage it? 

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Audiences // B2B Strategy // Industrial

Need a B2B persona for production managers in an industrial setting?

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Helena Phillips

B2B Audiences // B2B Strategy // Professional Services

Need a B2B persona for targeting faculty at higher education institutions?

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Branding // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

How should B2B marketers approach 2024? 

This article follows our “2024’s trends in B2B marketing for those targeting a niche” article and focuses on what you can do to navigate 2024 as a B2B marketer targeting a niche. 

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Branding // B2B Creative // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

2024’s B2B marketing trends for those targeting a niche

We’ve sifted through over 75 individual trend reports to find what is relevant for B2B marketers, so you don’t have to!

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Barry Lemon

B2B Branding // B2B Strategy

How should you budget for the right balance for brand and sales activation campaigns when targeting a niche?

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Diwakar Redhu

B2B Strategy // Customer Experience

What are the key takeaways for B2B marketers from Brighton SEO 2023?

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Paul Crabtree

Diwakar Redhu

B2B Campaigns // B2B Strategy // Industrial // MarTech // Professional Services // Technology

Should B2B marketers be using Threads (instead of X) when targeting a niche?

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Paul Crabtree

ABM Programs // B2B Branding // B2B Campaigns // B2B Content Marketing // B2B Creative // B2B Insurance // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

How should marketers that target a niche adapt to Generation Z’s growing influence on B2B Buying?

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Diwakar Redhu

ABM Programs // B2B Campaigns // B2B Creative // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

Are Digital Out of Home (DOOH) platforms suitable for reaching niche B2B audiences yet?

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Diwakar Redhu

ABM Programs // B2B Campaigns // B2B Creative // B2B Strategy // Technology

Why should B2B marketers that target a niche consider Piwik Pro as an alternative to GA4?

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Paul Crabtree

ABM Programs // B2B Campaigns // B2B Content Marketing // B2B Insurance // B2B Strategy // Professional Services // Technology

How do you build your list of prospective niche B2B companies for an ABM campaign?

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George Bates

B2B Campaigns // B2B Creative // B2B Strategy // MarTech

What marketing KPIs should you be tracking when targeting a B2B niche in your campaigns?

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Barry Lemon

B2B Campaigns // B2B Content Marketing // B2B Insurance // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Customer Advocacy // Customer Experience

How do you write an SEO-optimised B2B case study for your website?

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Branding // B2B Content Marketing // B2B Creative // B2B Insurance // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

Building an ESG communication strategy for your business?

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Audiences // B2B Branding // B2B Campaigns // B2B Strategy // Customer Experience

Why do B2B marketers need to go much deeper to understand their customers? Making the case for expanded Buyer Personas.

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Lottie O'Donoghue

B2B Content Marketing // B2B Insurance // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Customer Advocacy // Customer Experience // Industrial // Professional Services

How can you increase the number of your B2B case studies that get signed off?

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Barry Lemon

B2B Insurance // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy // Customer Advocacy // Customer Experience // Industrial // Professional Services // Technology

What makes a great title and executive summary for a B2B case study? 

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Content Marketing // B2B Creative // B2B Storytelling // B2B Strategy

What should you think about when building your B2B marketing strategy to target a niche?

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Paul Crabtree

B2B Marketing Agency Selection // B2B Strategy // Customer Experience

Is it time for recommendations to supersede pitches in the B2B buying process?

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Elizabeth Reynolds-Horne

B2B Branding // B2B Strategy // Customer Advocacy // Customer Experience

Why should B2B Customer Advocacy Programs be more than just stories?

In a world where more and more buyer research is conducted online, they are a valuable part of the B2B marketer’s tool kit, offering real, tangible authenticity to a companies’ claims when they are developed and used correctly.

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