How to build an SEO strategy when promoting a technology brand

George Bates B2B Campaigns, B2B Strategy, Technology


SEO constantly evolves as Google updates its ranking algorithm to enhance the user search experience. This allows companies to assess the yearly SEO trends that shape the search engine landscape. As a result, SEO can drive traffic to your website, generate leads, and improve your bottom line with the right strategy.

Here are some best practices for SEO in B2B marketing:


1. Develop content based on target keyword research


Conducting thorough keyword research can help you understand what terms your target audience uses to search for products or services like yours. Then, use these insights to create content that aligns with their search intent and optimises your website for those keywords.

For example, a tech company that provides cloud storage services may target keywords like “cloud storage solutions for businesses” or “secure cloud storage for enterprises.”


2. Use compelling titles and headings:


Titles and headings are essential for SEO as they provide context to search engines about the content on a page. Therefore, you should always ensure they are relevant to the content and include the target keyword.

For instance, a blog post on “5 ways to improve your cloud storage security” can be titled “Secure Your Business Data with These 5 Cloud Storage Security Tips.”


3. Write strong meta descriptions:


Meta descriptions are the short snippets that appear below the page title in search engine results. Craft compelling descriptions that include the target keyword and entice users to click through to your website.

For example, sticking with our cloud storage service company example, their meta description can be “Looking for a secure and scalable cloud storage solution for your business? Our cloud storage services offer top-notch security and reliable backup options.”


4. Optimise all images:


Images can enhance your website’s user experience but can also slow down your page speed if not optimised correctly. Compress your images without sacrificing quality and include descriptive alt text that includes the target keyword.

Let’s say you sell tech software. Your website has an “About Us” page with a high-quality image of your team. To optimise the image, you can compress it without sacrificing its quality and include descriptive alt text such as “team of software experts” that includes the target keyword “software.”


5. Include several internal links:


Internal linking can help search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently. Link to other relevant pages on your website to help users navigate your site and improve your website’s authority.

Suppose you are a B2B tech company that sells cybersecurity solutions. You have published a blog post on “The Importance of Cybersecurity for Small Businesses.” You should include internal links to other relevant pages on your website, such as your “Cybersecurity Solutions” page and any related previous blog posts.


6. Provide a user-friendly design (on desktop and mobile):


A user-friendly design is crucial for both SEO and user experience. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and has an intuitive navigation structure.

Using responsive design and designing your website for smaller screens, (mobile optimisation) is mandatory, are two ways of approaching this. Some best practices are to help navigation through the site. The customer does not have time to wait or think too much about where to click next, therefore your site navigation must be fast and logical.


7. Optimise page speed:


Page speed is critical in SEO as search engines favour fast-loading websites. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix any issues slowing down your website.

Let’s say you supply cloud hosting solutions. You can use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix any issues slowing down your website, such as optimising images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and enabling browser caching.


8. Make use of navigation and sitemaps:


Navigation and sitemaps help search engines understand the structure of your website and improve its crawlability. Ensure your website has a straightforward navigation structure and a sitemap listing all your pages.

For example, suppose you are a tech company that provides IT services. In that case, you can ensure that your website has a straightforward navigation structure and a sitemap that lists all your pages, including your “IT Services” page, “Cloud Hosting Solutions” page, and “About Us” page.


9. Lean into semantic HTML:


Semantic HTML uses HTML tags to provide meaning and context to your website’s content. For example, use tags like <h1> for your main page heading and <p> for paragraphs to help search engines understand the structure of your website.

Take the example of a tech company that develops software for the healthcare industry. In that case, you can use tags like <h1> for your main page heading, <p> for paragraphs, and <ul> for lists to help search engines understand the structure of your website and the content on it. On a page about the solutions, the <h1> could be Benefits of Using Our Healthcare Software while in <p> would include a high level offering of the software, using the keywords that you have researched, and <ul> would be a short one-line about the features and benefits of the software.

In conclusion, a robust SEO strategy is crucial for B2B marketing, especially for tech companies. By following these best practices, you can improve your website’s visibility, generate leads, and drive growth for your business.

George Bates

George Bates

Digital Marketing Manager

Starting life as an estate agent, George saw the light and spent his evenings building his own digital marketing business Joining Velo in 2022, George manages inbound and outbound campaigns using that entrepreneurial flair to good use. He loves photography and is currently devoting his spare time to writing his first book