Mapping the martech map – 14,000+ platforms to choose from.  Unless you target a niche. 

Mark Gillam B2B Marketing, B2B Strategy, MarTech

I need a bigger screen for the 2024 Martech Map 

Released just a few days ago, this collation of more than 14,100 marketing technology platforms is both impressive and overwhelming.   

Only 293 mention B2B, and even fewer are explicitly designed for those targeting a niche.  We’ve been through it, so thankfully, you don’t have to! 

When you are looking to find and engage super-niche audiences, often the minimum fees preclude you from using them, the reach is geographically too small, or the precision in targeting or analytics is not enough to be of value.  We’ve tested a considerable number of them and had to dismiss most.   

What’s reassuring for anyone in B2B marketing targeting a niche is that only a handful of these products will really help make an impact.  

From our experience, our favourite ones are below.  We use them regularly in different combinations for our clients:  


Starting life as an inbound marketing platform, but now automation, CRM and much more. 


Needs no introduction. nor does its ad platform.  Both are an excellent source of audience insight too.


Google Display provides intent segments at a more granular level than you expect for programmatic ads.

Google Ads 

More geared to Search, but perfect to place ads for those who are looking for you.


Analytics platform of choice for organic search tracking, behaviour and performance.


Programmatic advertising based on company/contact match across media. 

Looker Studio

Analytics reporting tool to visualise data by Google to make the most of your TAG Manager-led analytics. 


ABM and intent profiling. Very useful.


ABM platform for larger scale programs.  Needs significant spend.  Border-line not always appropriate for those targeting a niche.


Swag management for managing promotional items to support a sales team or reward acts of advocacy.

Chat GPT

It is vital that it is the paid version only for confidentiality.  Ideation, summarisation and interpretation of content.


Automated advocacy platform management.


The best IP look-up tool in market.

There are others too supporting DooH, direct mail (we particularly like stannp) and tools that support integrations between platforms.  Those we favour are a tight list but one we add to all the time. 

To learn more about the right Martech stack for your niche, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Mark Gillam

Mark Gillam

Analyst and Planner

Mark leads our performance marketing team spanning campaign planning, creative, activation and reporting. What he doesn’t know about MarTech is not worth knowing. You’ll find him working in the family pizza restaurant on the weekend too.