What makes a great social video? 

Max Cecchini B2B Campaigns, B2B Creative, B2B Storytelling


Of all the tools in a B2B marketer’s arsenal, a well-executed video can be your most effective when marketing over social media. It boosts brand awareness, piques the interest of even the most jaded of scrollers, gives you more opportunities to get your message across, and can directly drive conversions. Video ads have an undeniable impact on B2B decision-makers, increasing brand favourability by 12%, research intent by 8% and purchase consideration by 9%.

It can sometimes be tough knowing where to start and how to get the most out of social videos, but we’ve learned a few things over the years.  

Using research sourced from internal metrics, client feedback, industry best practice and good old-fashioned experience, we’ve pulled together 6 key lessons to bear in mind when planning your next social video.


1. Capture attention in the first 5 seconds

You must grab someone’s attention right off the bat to stop them from scrolling. The majority of social media users give up on a video almost immediately. In fact, 90% of your audience can be lost after 5 seconds. Hook the viewer straight away with an engaging introduction that’s as relevant to your campaign and your audience as possible. Some great ways to do this are: 

  • Use a strong, striking visual 
  • Ask an intriguing question 
  • Try to trigger an emotional response. 

56% of tech marketers claim that creative techniques humour, strong storytelling or a unique perspective only “somewhat/not often” in B2B ads they’re served – so this is your opportunity to stand out. 


2. Shorter is sweeter 

It’s easy to get carried away, especially if you or your client are enthusiastic about your subject matter, and create long videos packed with information. However, shorter clips are most successful at retaining viewers all the way through to a call to action (CTA). Try to keep your videos under 30 seconds and reduce content to its core message to keep the audience engaged.  


3. Tailor content to specific platforms 

Social media platforms can be picky – what works for Facebook won’t necessarily translate to LinkedIn. It’s not just audiences either, different platforms require different video dimensions or other technical considerations. Create your content with your platform in mind. For instance, shooting in portrait works for Instagram reels or TikTok, but LinkedIn is a lot more forgiving to landscape format.  


4. Targeted content is effective content 

 A B2B video is no different to a B2C one in that both need to be engaging and target their specific audiences. However, B2B marketing often involves communicating with extremely niche audiences, so taking the time to ensure that the right audience is targeted with the right content, at the right time and in the right format, will create a seamless user experience that maximises engagement. B2B decision-makers also appreciate creativity in their ads as much as B2C ones. In fact, they’re 40% more likely to consider purchasing from a brand they perceive as ‘creative’. Keep your core audience in mind, do your research and don’t be afraid to get creative with your video. 


5. Branding should not dominate the start  

Hitting a viewer straight away with big fancy branding, logos or names might look flashy, but you’re often just wasting valuable time. Every second is precious and the longer you take getting to the point, the more likely it is that your viewer will drop off. Branding can come later in the video once the viewer’s attention has been secured with your engaging content.  


6. Maintain clarity with your message and CTA 

A lack of clarity harms the impact of an ad, video or otherwise, by 29%. Videos should focus on a single, clear message so make sure you’re not overwhelming your audience with varied information. On this point, your CTA is vital. Whether your video aims to push viewers to a landing page, encourage further engagement or move straight to conversion, the easier and more visible the CTA, the better your chances of earning that all-important click.  


Video content isn’t just for B2C anymore, B2B marketers can leverage it to effectively drive all manner of KPIs – if they do it right. Remember: prioritise short, engaging videos that capture attention immediately, keep your messaging concise, tailor your content to your audience and platform and have an obvious call to action.  

Max Cecchini

Max Cecchini

Max is equal parts motion graphics and beer connoisseur who, by day, specialises in 2D and 3D video, and by night, in craft brews. Max revels in technical, formal and corporate stories that are hard to explain.