Women in B2B marketing: celebrating impact and inspiring inclusion

Barry Lemon Work Practices & Wellbeing

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Inspire Inclusion,’ so what better opportunity to reflect and celebrate the talented women who contribute to the success of our B2B marketing agency.

Of course, it goes without saying that we don’t need an official ‘day’ to recognise this. We’re committed to fostering diversity and inclusion, and are proud to share that we exceed the sector average for gender diversity with 52% of our overall agency workforce identifying as female. This is also reflected in our Agency Leadership Group which has a 50:50 gender split.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the entire sector, so there’s still work to do with closing this gap and amplifying women’s voices within the industry to help increase diversity. After all, diverse opinions are a key part of innovation. We wouldn’t have any new ideas if we all thought the same.

Here are just some key benefits we’ve experienced thanks to a meeting of different minds:

  • Different perspectives: encouraging a diverse team – including strong female representation – brings a multitude of perspectives to the table. It’s this diversity that fuels creativity and innovation, often resulting in unique solutions in response to clients’ briefs.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making: studies have shown that diverse teams make better decisions thanks to having a balance of gender and cultural perspectives. Why? We’re able to draw on broader lived experiences and make decisions more effectively that better reflect the understanding of our clients’ needs.
  • Connecting with the audience: as a B2B marketing agency targeting a niche, it’s crucial not only to connect with our clients, but with their niche audiences, too. Having a diverse agency team – including strong women in leadership and throughout our workforce – helps to ensure that our campaigns resonate with a wider audience.


As an agency, we will continue to shine a spotlight on the incredible women who contribute their skills, passion and expertise to our team – each of whom play a vital role in driving our success and delivering exceptional results for our clients. Our goal to create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard, regardless of gender, age, sexuality, religion, nationality – or anything else for that matter – is key to achieving our shared goal of crafting B2B marketing to be proud of.

Here’s to creating a lasting impact that transcends ‘International Women’s Day’ and becomes ‘every day’!


Barry Lemon

Barry Lemon

For those who know Barry, they know Barry.  The difference he has made to Velo since its inception is hard to put into words.  As one of the founder members of the agency, he's worked across almost every aspect of the agency's offering.  This gives him a unique perspective on most issues, that have been forged in the coal-face of real life.